by cILp0k3r2016 | Jul 23, 2020 | Promotions
The four table sit n go format is new for our post COVID-19 events. While we cannot do as many multi-table tournaments, we are trying our best to accommodate all players. The $25 Sit N Go four table max tournament will run at every event at 5pm. You can reserve a...
by cILp0k3r2016 | Jan 31, 2018 | Promotions
$1-2 NLH Cash Game Promo: win $100 for any QUADS or STRAIGHT FLUSH ~ $200 for a Royal Flush! Play in any $1-2 No Limit Hold’em cash game and make any quads in a hand or any straight flush (with one card or two) you win $100 cash money just for playing. You do...
by cILp0k3r2016 | Feb 8, 2017 | Promotions
On Feburary 18th at 2pm at the Elks Lodge in Savoy Central Illinois Charitable Games is having a $1,000 Freeroll tournament. The cost is 100% free to the players at the event. You do have to give up your email, but that is a small prize to pay. Payouts will be part...